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Currently Ambit's #7 Income EarnerI

Co-Founder's Impact Award Winner

Multiple Year Top 50 Income Earner

Comma Club Member

Multiple Five Star Trip Winner

Pure Energy Award Winner

Featured in SUCCESS Magazine

Millionaire Club Member

Fast Track Promoter

Spearheading the International Expansion of a Billion Dollar Company

     - Japan

     - Canada


Over the past two decades, Doug has led multiple organizations to success including a financial services company where it went from a small sole proprietorship in 1997 to its 2008, 2009 and 2010 selection by Inc. Magazine as one of the fastest-growing private companies in America.

Ranked No. 408 in ’08 on the Inc. 5000 list, that company has risen to become a major employer in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and is recognized nationally as a leader in the financial services industry.

Doug grew up in rural East Texas and relocated to the Dallas area in the 1990's. Married at 19, Doug worked in the automotive and mobile electronics industries where he made a name for himself as a hardworking, honest, and customer-oriented professional.

After a major accident, he soon experienced the financial strain that occurs when faced with growing expenses and worsening credit. He came to understand – via his firsthand experience – that anyone in today’s society, regardless of income or education, can come to financial ruin without an understanding of our credit system and knowledge of how to make it work for them rather than against them.


With resolve and attention to detail, Doug carefully investigated the ways to improve his credit score and, most importantly, educated himself on how to maintain it once regained. It is a detailed process, and Doug soon found himself helping others to improve their scores and teaching them how to maintain excellent credit. In 1997 he founded RMCN Credit Services, Inc.


Along the way, one of his employees, James Penny, introduced Doug to Ambit Energy in the Fall of 2013. "I was very impressed by the growth of Ambit in such a short period of time and the amount of commissions paid out to the consultants," says Doug.


Doug shares that he started his Ambit business to create an "additional stream of income that can cover ALL of my monthly expenses including two children going to college…"


"Personally, I look forward to my wife and I having our twenty firth year anniversary, both of my kids graduating from college, becoming totally debt free again, and having more time to dedicate at One Community Church in Plano. Professionally, I am excited about continuing to lead the consultants on my team and develop others to do the same," says Doug.


Doug believes in helping as many people as he can. Just Like Zig Ziglar used to say, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."


This year Ambit Energy will payout roughly $100 million in commissions to people all across America and Doug will share how anyone can take advantage of the Ambit momentum spreading across our country and around the globe.


972-984-5100 Direct 

972-816-1900 Text

LINE ID: dougparker​​

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DISCLAIMER: We make no guarantee or promise of income or business. Results are determined by the efforts of those and by market trends. Earnings represented or implied in marketing materials and communications may not be typical and cannot be relied on to represent one’s personal results either for current or future earnings. Income, if any, earned from the Compensation Plan requires diligence and hard work in several areas including, but not limited to, leadership, recruiting, self-development and dedication. Each Independent Consultant’s results will depend up on their own skills, abilities and personal efforts in exercising these qualities. We urge you to study and fully understand the compensation plan before enrolling. Full Income Disclosure here.

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